Saturday, January 16, 2010

Home Remedies To Stop Smoking How Do I Clear My Congested Chest?

How Do I Clear My Congested Chest? - home remedies to stop smoking

At the end of two months, I had chest tightness. It rattles and tons of Flem. Yes, I smoke. The Flem is clear and the colors do not m'assure infection. Any home repair to add to my smoking cessation


Lynn said...

You've probably Emphesema (sp?). I saw people
and who have in the tanks. Cough a lot
hack and gag and sometimes the head. You can also
COPD, which may happen to be a smoker too. I think
It is ironic that the last two neighbors who are still smoking
Emphesema suffering. And it could be the
Things. You have to do with the things that now tied
to give even more difficult, until twenty years ago. I was a long
Smoker term, until I had to stop inhaling tar, or die. So
I had no choice. And now I have asthma and COPD, and
one of the largest heart by respiratory infections, where
I smoked all these years. Now I am able to help with oxygen to
breathe.And me not nice to see someone
Use one of these nose clip. If I can convince myself
only one or two people, the seeds give, and lay
them for good. It really made my day. Because
Save you life is likely to sell. Manufacturer
Don & #039; t know that makes CIGS more addicted now. You want
make the almighty dollar and want to be taken
for life. However, a smoker has a short life. So, what can I say?
I smoked for 35 years, since my teens. That is a lot of
Years to make the tar in the lungs and do not care, because
do not feel sick. It takes many years and when it happens
It is not repairing the damage. If you go when you
Young, then the lung will heal with time. But
when you say, 60 or even 65 years, the damage already done.
And you will not be able to breathe very early in the afternoon. So
Follow my advice, and now check before
Finally, take oxygen tank day and night. Not
often able to escape, and then only to visit a doctor, not much
of life. But we can beat the other option. You
Traffic congestion is two months long, too long, my friend.

mlgable said...

Just because the mucus is clear, does not mean that you have an infection. You should see a doctor and get tested.

johnwhet... said...

You great things for this new call MECU .. something.

He breaks everything in his chest. This trade them with the green monster.

Magyar said...

Well, I just wanted to offer the end, too (I myself am not so good ... but works well). I am not likely to disappear consult a doctor soon. which could be more serious then just an infection.
Home Remedies ..... Drink lots of tea (green or chamomile) with honey and lemon juice.
Good luck to leave!

Crysta (above) had an excellent suggestion. Inhaling steam from hot water (not hurt ... but not boiling ... lol ... do not want to) be sued. May I suggest the addition of chamomile. My mother gave us when I was young .... was good!

Matthew R said...

Take a sip of lemon juice, season with two pinches of cayenne pepper. make that 4 times a day. conjestion alienate and mucus. and cayenne pepper is good for the heart.

marcie19... said...

Get some of the OTC (over the counter) Mucinex, contributes to the lighter PHLEM and over a distance.

marcie19... said...

Get some of the OTC (over the counter) Mucinex, contributes to the lighter PHLEM and over a distance.

Anonymous said...

Do not listen to these guys. Take an Alka-Seltzer Plus
MOCO congestion and relieves chest congestion like nothing else. Believe me, I tried it and the box says it can take up to 4 hours for mine, which lasted 7 hours before I need another dose. Believe me, it works very well. Go to your local drugstore and buy one that is 4.00 to about $ Long Drugs.

Oh, BTW said one of the other boys, makes this material with the name of something green monster with the ECU. It's called Mucinex. And yes take Mucinex is also good, but compared to the low Alka-Seltzer. Just fill in is not all jam. The Alka-Seltzer actually gets rid of congestion. Mucinex is more expensive: It costs about 3 times.

Or if you want other solutions, you can go to, some of the best doctors advise on the network.

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